Interesting facts about fish

Interesting facts about fish

Within our aquascaping community, we definitely have many fish enthusiasts. Anyone who keeps fish will know that the daily life fish live is one of many different activities and social interactions. This article hopes to share some of the fun facts about fish species that might just surprise you.

Jawless fish was one of the very early fish and first vertebrates and were present on the globe a long time ago before dinosaurs. Of course, they still develop. Although there are thousands of already known fish species, there is a common thought among the scientists that human knows more about the cosmos than they do about how fish live in the deeper water of our oceans.

Look at 20 interesting fish facts about fish below and then just imagine what is hiding in ocean depths and is not explored yet...

  1. Fish have excellent senses of sight, touch, and taste, and many have good senses of smell and hearing. Read more about fish senses in the article dedicated only to fish talk.

  2. Fish feel pain and stress, just like mammals and birds.

  3. Some fish, such as sharks, do not have a swim bladder to help them swim upright so they must swim continuously or rest on the bottom. Swim bladders serve as a hydrostatic organ that reduces the specific weight of the body and balances the hydrostatic pressure, allowing the fish to remain motionless at various depths and not to sink to the bottom.

  4. Fish have a specialized sensory organ called the lateral line that acts like a radar to help them navigate through dark or murky water.

  5. Most fish of the eel families (including the deadly electric eels) can swim backwards. Most other fish can't. This is due to their long body and elongated anal fin.

  6. The largest fish in the world is the whale shark. These giants of the oceans are found in many oceans and can travel up to 10,000km each year. 75% of their population is found in the Indian ocean. They can measure upwards of 40ft which is about the size of a large school bus, making them the biggest fish in the world today.

    whale shark
  7. About half of all fish species in the world today are freshwater fish, and less than 01% of the earth's water is freshwater.

  8. Goldfish do have teeth. While they may look toothless, goldfish have teeth but are located in the throat. They are called pharyngeal teeth, or sometimes called jaw teeth and goldfish use them to crush food. This is a common trait found in all boney fish species. Fish that lac

  9. Jellyfish do not have a backbone, so they are not fish. All fish are vertebrate animals. Seahorses are classed as fish.

  10. Some species of fish have skeletons made entirely of cartilage while others are made from bone.

  11. Sharks are the only fish to have eyelids.

  12. Anableps is the name of a fish commonly known as "four-eyed fish". It actually has only two eyes, but each of them is divided by a membrane that allows the fish to see both above and below the water surface at the same time.

  13. Anableps

    Tropical fish are one of the most popular domestic animals in the United States. 95% of the mortality rate of tropical fish is due to improper maintenance and improper feeding.

  14. It is possible for the perch to absorb oxygen from the air and crawl overland with its strong pectoral fins. Many fish breathe air from the surface of the water.

  15. When you take the European grayling out of the water, the fish smells like thyme.

  16. European and American eels probably spawn in one place in the Sargasso Sea. It is remarkable that the larvae live together, then separate and wander back to where their parents came from!

  17. The way of giving birth in the spotted eagle ray which takes place in ... the air, is unusual. The female jumps above the water's surface and gives birth.

  18. True loaches were once used as live barometers. True loach of the species Misgurnus fossilis was bred by peasants for the purpose of forecasting the weather. When the pressure drops, these fish swim near the surface.

  19. Atlantic salmon can jump over a waterfall up to 10 feet high. The Atlantic salmon is also known for another interesting tidbit. Amazingly, it may not eat for up to 22 months, which seems impossible.

  20. Fish, which are called flying fish, have the ability to cover up to 189 meters in a single jump.

  21. All fish, from the smallest fish to the biggest fish are cold blooded. Whether they live in cold water or not, their body temperature is affected by the aquatics environments they live in.

  22. Fish sleep, not in the normal sense but fish sleep by resting and reducing their breathing. This can last for up to 8 hours with some species of fish resting longer than others.

  23. Female seahorses lay eggs inside the male seahorse's belly. At this point the male will fertilize the eggs. They will remain in the male seahorse's belly for up to 45 days until they emerge fully formed (yet tiny) baby seahorses.

  24. Some fish have a split tail. This is also referred to as a fork tail and is commonly found on fish that swim rapidly through the water.

  25. The official name for a cleaner fish is 'perciformes'. These are a group of smaller fish commonly found in coral reefs that remove parasites from larger fish, ofter directly from inside their mouths.

    flying fish


There are plenty of interesting creatures in the world but these ones found in aquatic environments fascinate us the most, no matter if they come from ocean or high mountain streams. Each has something special. There are much many fish species with incredible and impressive skills, habits and stories presented in this article. Do you know any other fascinating facts about these animals? Don't forget to let us know!