Say hello to Staurogyne Repens!

Staurogyne Repens

by @tkk.earthlynonsense

by @tkk.earthlynonsense


This low growing stem plant is mislabeled as an easy to grow carpeting plant. White it can grow in a Low-tech environment; it is a nutrient hog and would quickly show its displeasure in its precious broad leaves. It is not uncommon to see leaves with signs of nutrient deficiencies. That does not stop aquascapers from using it though. Its broad, spade shaped leaves are a welcome alternative to the tiny leaves of most carpeting plants. It is often used as an accent plant or a shrub placed mid ground or foreground. The compact growth of light green leaves is so much sought after by aquascapers. 


This plant is known to be a notoriously slow grower. Placing it under high-light conditions only makes it demand more nutrients and does not do much for its growth rate. Place the plant under medium lighting where its leaves can still remain a fresh light green color. Placing the plant under low light would darken the leaves’ hue.

CO2 injection

All aquatic plants benefit from CO2 supplementation. If Staurogyne Repens is placed under low light it has no problem adapting to low CO2 conditions. This characteristic of the plant is probably the main reason why it is being labelled as an easy plant in the first place. Like most aquatic plants, demand for CO2 and nutrients is dependent on how much light it receives. To achieve a beautiful compact and lush growth, CO2 supplementation is recommended specially under mid lighting. 

Water Parameters

Staurogyne Repens is highly adaptable when it comes to water parameters but to be on the safe side it is best to keep this plant at temperatures of 20-28 degrees Celsius, TDS of 80-150 and a PH of neutral (7-7.5).

Planting and Placement

Due to its low, compact growth place this plant on the foreground or on midground as an accent plant. This is best used as a carpeting plant for large aquariums and as midground for smaller setups. 


This plant is really sensitive when it comes to nutrients. A strict dosing schedule must be followed especially if the plant is placed under brighter conditions.

Trimming is usually done for propagation and not to control growth. The plants will have an apex growth as well as numerous side-shoots once established. Trim it like any other stem plant. Cut the highest growth and replant. The plant remains low and compact all through out.