Aquascaping Blog
Planted tanks that have a co2 diffuser installed, notice a large increase in plant growth, sometimes 5 or even 10 times bigger than in a standard, low-tech planted aquarium. It also helps us to get lush, colorful plants and dense carpets. Aquariums with co2 injection have plants with better presentation and shapes. Ultra-thin stems, dwarf leaves, yellowish or light green coloration, algae on plants often mean that the level of co2 is too low and those conditions are inappropriate. If too low level of co2 remains for a long time, it will probably lead to the death of plants in your planted aquarium.
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The aquarium nitrogen cycle is crucial if you want to own aquarium. This endless cycling process is a biological cycle in which nitrogen is converted into many forms and we are going to find out every phase of the nitrogen cycle to get the point of this and in exchange have healthy fish and live plants.
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Bringing Bucepalandra in a conversation is like opening a can of worms. This family has a lot of different species and each has its own separate set of requirements. This plant family is so like Anubias in many ways but the similarities vanish once hardiness and ease of care is discussed.
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Aquarium cover is an important part of an entire tank and it has some special features that are not visible at first sight.
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Betta splendens, or Siamese fighting fish are probably one of the most popular ornamental fish or even pets chosen by kids and their parents in general because they are relatively simple to breed. Certainly the most unique and recognizable features of this fish that have spread around the world are vivid coloration, aggressive male bettas and minimalist jar-type tanks which they are usually kept in. Colorfulness is undoubtedly a very true thing that we can see on our own eyes but are they really dangerous to other fish and does a 0,5 gallon bowl suit its need?
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