Aquascaping Blog

Betta splendens, or Siamese fighting fish are probably one of the most popular ornamental fish or even pets chosen by kids and their parents in general because they are relatively simple to breed. Certainly the most unique and recognizable features of this fish that have spread around the world are vivid coloration, aggressive male bettas and minimalist jar-type tanks which they are usually kept in. Colorfulness is undoubtedly a very true thing that we can see on our own eyes but are they really dangerous to other fish and does a 0,5 gallon bowl suit its need?
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The concept of nano planted aquarium comes from Japan and we may compare it to a land hobby that is growing a bonsai- a 'nano' tree. Just like the bonsai, the planted tank should impress by the attention to details and evolve in time. The nano subject is very popular among aquascapers because you can start with this on a relatively low budget and admire a true work of art. You don't need many plants or a lot of soil and hardscape.
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This low growing stem plant is mislabeled as an easy to grow carpeting plant. White it can grow in a Low-tech environment; it is a nutrient hog and would quickly show its displeasure in its precious broad leaves. 
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Trimming plants in your aquarium is an important part of creating a healthy and thriving planted tank. With regular trimming we encourage new growth and many plants will produce new shoots, especially ground cover plants such as hair grass. This article aims to provide you with the why, when and how to trim aquarium plants.

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A richly decorated aquarium can look stunning. Just imagine lots of plants rich in colours, smaller fish and larger fish swimming around. All looks perfect, but unless you pay attention to how many fish you add, then problems may start appear.
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